#sioraiocht: harry.
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forgaeven1 · 1 year ago
❛ i just want you to know... that this is really nice. ❜ { harry for ginny - last one I swear lmao }
❛ it is, isn't it ? ❜ she's glad he came back. truly. though there's apart of her who would always wish he'd never left at all. then again, that's always been her problem, hasn't it ? always the complexity around the thought that she's the last one anyone would ever think of when they'll do anything, that she'll be left behind when everyone else would chase after their glory or fight the bad guys or go to war. it's not their fault, she knows; and it certainly isn't harry's intention when his motivation to leave hasn't got anything to do with her.
and yet she feels young, and hurt, in her sorrow. the girl easily left abandoned, that's who ginny weasley is. that's why she'll have to make a name for herself, hasn't she ?
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that's why she's here right now, showing him the very field in which she had her first match where she had debuted as holyhead harpies' new chaser. harry has missed it; she'll make sure now he won't. ❛ i'd never forget it. the sound of the crowd. the light rain that we've got that day... it's better than anything. ❜
the bear — @sioraiocht
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forgaeven1 · 1 year ago
she rolls her eyes from his probable outcome, instead using the excitement of the club to take harry's hand and drags him to the dancefloor.
and merlin, she could already see the headlines—if not a few owls—coming for her in the morning now that everyone's witnessed her and harry together, hand-in-hand, dancing with one another. there's always been speculation about whether or not she and harry would be back together, especially since he's returned, but ginny... ginny just isn't sure as much anymore. she thinks she will always love harry, or at least reserves apart of her that's young and hopeful and had yearned for him so much with her until old age comes, but...
if he had left once—or plenty, rather—why wouldn't he leave again ?
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not that ginny's allowing the thoughts to crowd her mind, though. instead, the redhead bounces and dances along, simply letting the rhythm guides her on how to move. the music shifts of course, into a more sensual undertone, and ginny doesn't hesitate. ( oh, she's definitely getting the owls now. ) ❛ it's just a dance, yeah ? ❜ she asks, as she tugs his hands so that it'll land securely over her hips while she gravitates her waist, moves against him.
It's a new club. Of course it is, Harry you twat. He cringes inwardly, giving her a faintly sheepish smile as he lifts his glass to his lips again, attempting and failing to hide his embarrassment. "Yeah, sorry - Can't keep up with the different clubs." As if he's out every weekend getting so drunk he can barely remember where he goes. Chance would be a fine thing. Last weekend he'd just gone to the local pub for one then gone back to his flat to work on his fantasy Quidditch league team. Hardly exciting.
"Dance?" The words send a spike of nervousness through him, remembering back to the Yule ball and the horrendous dancing moves that he'd displayed. Harry Potter was a lot of things - A gifted dancer was not one of them. But it's Ginny and she's being so nice to him so how can he say now? Draining the last of his drink he nods, gesturing for her to lead the way to the dance floor. "Alright -" He attempts to speak over the music. "But if I step on your feet you only have yourself to blame." He grins, feeling the warmth of the alcohol starting to kick in.
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luminescenc1e · 1 year ago
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“ You know, if I didn’t know any better Harry, I would think you were trying to get me drunk. And if you are, why are we drinking this? Less switch to something less headache-inducing for tomorrow. ”
@sioraiocht liked for a short starter.
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heartheaded · 1 year ago
{ @sioraiocht tracked a quest from here }
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🦡 < ❝No, no--I mean, yes! I want to set this book gently in a fireplace more than you know, I'm talking about being a right damn tease, Harry. What are we doing? I can't keep agreeing to do things without having some clue... it's bad for my health.❞
Sometimes their antics get downright terrifying between sneaking around at night to encountering ghosts or moving stairs or three-headed dogs--sometimes he can't believe students don't just die from an errant flying book beaning them in the head. He'll probably agree no matter what, it's just the anticipation that kills him.
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storyofwhoiam · 3 months ago
@sioraiocht | Send ❌ and I will put all of our muses into this prompt generator and make a starter based on the result
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(SMS: Colin >> Harry): i can't make it - sorry man (SMS: Colin >> Harry): i've got a hell of a shift (SMS: Colin >> Harry): rain check?
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mugglebrn · 1 year ago
@sioraiocht liked for a spotify wrapped starter song: contaminated - banks
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WHEN IT COMES TO HIM, NOTHING IS SIMPLE. It's head versus heart, logic versus instinct, and everything in between. Hermione's at war with herself, caught between what she wants and what she thinks she should want. And it manifests in this push and pull. "Maybe if I could believe it I could just stay."
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mctherslove · 1 year ago
What does your muses name mean?
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Meaning: daffodil
Narcissa is a girl's name of Greek origin, meaning "daffodil." A cheerful and bright spring flower, the daffodil typically features six oval-shaped petals that join in a trumpet-like center. Many variations of the bloom exist, ranging in color from pale yellow to vibrant orange. Harry Potter fans may recognize the name as Draco Malfoy's mother, Narcissa. If you want to call baby after your favorite flower or mark their springtime arrival, Narcissa is an intriguing choice for your little one.
tagged by: @sioraiocht
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forgaeven1 · 1 year ago
you were so magnetic, it was almost obnoxious. { for ginny from harry }
❛ obnoxious ?! ❜ a scoff of laughter escapes her then, though one could tell easily that the youngest weasley has taken no offence whatsoever from what he's said.
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still, if one were given material to tease, one wouldn't simply let it go yet, would they ? so there ginny weasley goes, raising her two hands as though in surrender, trying to make her escape away from the boy who lived, ❛ well, if i'm that obnoxious, wouldn't want to let all of that sap away at your charm, mister potter. after all, i ought to be mindful of the boy who saved us all — ❜ which she knows is a title that has annoyed him much in return, and just like that, ginny waits for a telltale of a groan or him backtracking what he said before she spins, red hair following her motion, as she laughs and laughs, finding her place right near him again.
❛ you're a terrible flirt, ❜ she tells him, fixing at his collar then, and ginny's motion seems nonchalant, relaxed even. to the outside world, it's nothing but a friend simply fixing another friend's clothing mishap, though look closer, and you can see intent there, bright and clever in the brown of her eyes. when ginny releases harry potter's collar, turning to her butterbeer, she smirks. flirtatious. charming as ever. ❛ don't ever tell a witch she's obnoxious, no matter how magnetic you've found them, yeah ? ❜
1989 ( from the vault )  / @sioraiocht
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forgaeven1 · 1 year ago
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❛ you both are such tossers ! ❜ she rolls her eyes, stuffing more chips into her mouth at the indignation. ❛ i shall assume then if it's a play against the harpies, you'd chose puddlemere as well ? ❜
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"Wait, wait no - I mean, if you think it'll impress the captain then you can 100% say that they were tears of devastation. And then see if you can score us some VIP tickets."
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luminescenc1e · 1 year ago
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“ I don’t think this is what we’ve discussed Evans. And I’d rather not do something that’s so…out of character for me. I’m sure you understand. ”
@sioraiocht liked for a short starter.
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storyofwhoiam · 5 months ago
[ PRETEND ]:     noticing the receiver has been stood up, the sender pretends to be their date instead, rather than letting the evening be wasted. {Harry & Charli}
Charli shifted in her seat, fingers curling around the stem of her glass. The ice had already begun to melt, condensation beading along the surface as the minutes dragged on. Her eyes darted to the entrance of the bar for what felt like the hundredth time, each glance met with disappointment.
The longer she sat there, the more she felt the weight of embarrassment pressing down on her chest. She shifted again, smoothing down her skirt as if the action could somehow calm the restless energy inside her. Just as she reached for her bag, ready to make her exit, she noticed a man approaching. She looked up with a cautiously hopeful expression.
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forgaeven1 · 1 year ago
she really hadn't meant to say what she said for— for this.
not that she doesn't appreciate it, of course she does, but... some part of her had thought perhaps that, upon saying what she said, all she would've gotten back is the easy 'of course i need you' reply the way her brothers would've saddled her with. maybe accompanied with a hug or two, and the typical eye-roll from ron, and that would be all. ginny tries not to think too much how significant she is in the scale of things in harry potter's world, after all—she certainly believes it's nowhere near the top five, let alone the top three—as it certainly didn't help then, remember the months afterwards where she'd be cursing his name about it, and she doubted it'll help now. though, to hear all of that ?
ginny bites her lips, and ignores the loud beating of her own heart. she was simply teasing, she swears ! she didn't mean for this all to happen—and yet, still, she finds herself ( naively, stupidly, foolishly ) asking besides: ❛ why couldn't you ? ❜
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her brown eyes meet his then, wondering what he'll say to that, before ginny decides that, whatever the answer is, she doesn't want to know. ❛ you don't have to answer that. come on—we're getting something for ron and hermione's housewarming party, aren't we ? ❜
~ @forgaeven || ❝ i was sort’ve hoping you needed me. is that selfish? ❞ gin @ harry!!!! ~
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Her words catch him by surprise, Harry's mouth falling up and then closing quickly as he meets Ginny's gaze. "I -" It's an admission that he wasn't expecting. If anything, he's sort of been afraid that he's just been annoying Ginny, hanging around and trying his best to find any excuse to talk to her. It's why he's taken a small step back over the past few weeks, not wanting her to think that he was becoming dependent on her.
Realistically, he should've just talked to her. However, since returning it's been hard for him to admit that he's maybe not doing so good. It's difficult to say it out loud. He's the Boy who Lived. The Chosen One. He feels like he can't admit that he's struggling because people expect him to just be okay. But he's not. "I'm -" His breath catches, a surge of emotion rising in his chest, catching him by surprise. "Merlin, I'll always need you, Ginny. You've - Uh -" His hand comes up to drag through his hair. "You've no idea how much I need you. How hard -" His voice cracks slightly and he hates it. "it was to act like I didn't need you when all I wanted was the comfort that you brought me." He can still remember how much it hurt to break up with her, how selfish he felt because he wanted her to be safe but he also didn't want to leave her. "Ginny, when it comes to you I've said and done a lot wrong but please, never doubt that I need you. Even when I can't say it I'll always need you."
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storyofwhoiam · 5 months ago
[ wake ] our muses wake up next to each other after a one night stand {Harry and whoever would like!}
Vex woke to the faint glow of early morning light slipping through the curtains, her bare skin warm beneath the sheets. She blinked once, taking in the unfamiliar room. Her eyes shifted to the side, where the man beside her still slept, his chest rising and falling with deep, even breaths.
A soft smile tugged at her lips, almost a smirk — a satisfied, pleased acknowledgment of the night they’d shared. She let herself indulge in the memory for a moment — his touch, the way their bodies fit together, the thrill and pleasure of something fleeting. She stretched languidly, her limbs easing out the lingering tension.
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storyofwhoiam · 5 months ago
[ RISE ] sender wakes before receiver and lays on top of them.  {Harry & whoever would like!}
Bobbi stirred slowly, her body heavy with the warmth of sleep. The first thing she registered was the soft pressure of hands against her skin, and a quiet, involuntary sound escaped her lips — a low, appreciative hum. Under the teasing touch, she stretched beneath the covers, her body arching up against his, feeling his unmistakable hardness pressing against her.
Her eyes fluttered open, a smile tugging at the corners of her mouth. Harry's weight was a comforting presence, his bare skin warm against her own. "Mornin'."
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luminescenc1e · 1 year ago
Laughing seemed so easy around Harry, there was nothing forced about it. It was like she could relax. Whatever weight she had been carrying, she could relax her shoulders and unclench her jaw. That was probably partly what made it so addictive to be around him, especially having stayed away for so long. “ That is awfully impressive Potter. I am sure the Daily Prophet would love to put your daily routine on the front page. Maybe you could provide them with additional juicy information on just how muggle takeout works. ”
Ginny grins unabashedly before adding. “ Oh, my evening will be even more glorious. ” She sighs. “ I actually have to go to a work thing. It’s a party of sorts. I envy that you can stay in and enjoy your evening. If you ever want to switch and not have to mingle. ” She almost spat the word out.
The dress she would have to wear, the uncomfortable heels, the annoyingly repetitive questions that she is asked regardless of where she is, about her brother, about Hermione, and of course about Harry. But she has no choice but to go to those things, the only wonderful thing about them is that her presence tends to not hold the attention for long, and usually, she is left to her own devices, having a few drinks and managing a conversation or two. “ But this was fun, if you ever want to have lunch or drinks, you know where to owl me. ”
"It's the truth." Harry wanted to say more - To tell her that she seemed to get more beautiful every day - but he figured that was laying it on a bit thick. "Keeping busy is the best way to be." He had a whole house filled with projects that aided in his attempts to keep busy.
Hands dropped to his pockets, smiling as they walked. "I can understand that - And hey, we all went through it. Doesn't matter who did what, it was still a traumatic experience for everyone involved. And we were just kids -" It was hard to push past that in new relationships. How could Harry even begin to explain the nightmares and the cold sweats? The general jumpiness that he'd acquired or the paranoia that it was never really over. With time he hoped it would lessen, but in the meantime he'd need to be with someone who understood. That or just stay single. He hadn't managed to find the former so he was opting for the latter. "True. Merlin, he hated it." Harry could still feel the knot in his stomach at the memory of having to tell Ron. It made him smile. Moments like that had felt so beautifully ordinary. "My plans for the rest of the day are very exciting. I'm going to go home. Clean. Maybe go wild and read the newspaper. And then for dinner I'm going to order in and spend the evening wandering around my apartment trying to while away the boredom." His lips split into a playful grin. "I lead a very interesting life these days, Weasley - Try not to be too impressed." A laugh left him. "What about you? Please tell me you have something more exciting on the agenda?"
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storyofwhoiam · 2 months ago
Keyleth's head is heavy in her hands, elbows resting against the bar-top. She watches as the water is placed before her but doesn't bother reaching for it; her mind is much too preoccupied. Her lips quirk up in the beginnings of a smile with Harry's attempts at assurances, but it doesn't last for long, her expression settling back into a thoughtful frown.
"You've been with people before, right?"
~ @storyofwhoiam || ❛ is it my fault? ❜ super drunk lightweight!Keyleth - Harry ~
Harry watches Keyleth for a moment, expression softening as he pours her a glass of water. He places it on the bar in front of her, along with a small bowl of crisps. "Considering that you're one of the nicest people who comes in here, I'm going to go ahead and say that it's probably not your fault." He slings his cloth over his shoulder, leaning against the bar and looking at her. "Go on, talk to me. What's on your mind?"
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